Never Retire: What Will I Miss About California When I Move To Spain?
The difference between "missing" and "nostalgia"
The move to Spain is now just 48 days away. Call it one month and a half.
If you have made a similar move, I wonder—
Is this the juncture where you start to feel anxiety associated with what you’re about to do alongside a sense of certainty that you can’t imagine not doing it, in part because creating and accepting such challenges is a key component to living a full life?
To growth and quenching your thirst for new experiences and adventures.
No doubt that this is a strange clash of feelings and emotions.
The point we’re at now in the process makes me think about where I’ve been and where I’m headed more than usual. About how to take the emotions you feel, put them in the proper perspective and consider them within the context of how you got to where you are today. You likely didn’t get there by playing it safe and letting your emotions get the best of you in an irrational way.
I have been thinking about this larger dynamic in relation to the difference between missing people and things and feeling nostalgia, not only for people and things, but places.
Based on how I define the word, the only thing I’ll truly miss about California is my daughter.