Well wow, I could identify with that. Especially Supertramp.

So I grew up speaking two languages. I learnt German dialect by being a lot here in Switzerland with my grandparents. That was not very useful when I tried to write proper German. I was only really so, so at German in high school. Then at university I was a bit better.

But my grammar has always been weak because of my unstructured start with dialect.

So my approach here in Switzerland is I’ll talk to anybody in the local dialect or in high German and for the most part they can’t really tell that I’m not 100% Swiss. But I pretty much never write in German. I write in English and tell people I think they should be excused having to deal with my poor German grammar.

So I think this gets me to know where you want to set the boundary. And also to the fact that the amount you want to learn is for you. What you’re doing in Spanish Rocco and what I’m doing doing a little bit learning on Duolingo is enough that you can engage when you’re there or you can read things and just make better relationships. that also helps get past the whole thing.

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My dad's family came to America as German-speaking French citizens. I took German in college and spent a year studying at Philipps Universität in Marburg. Now, 35 years later, I still attempt to maintain my basic speaking skills with Duolingo and other tools. I just spent 10 days in Munich for a trade show and then some personal time into Innsbruck/Feldkirch/Zurich and my experience was that people were delighted that I was willing to try to speak in German to them. I know my grammar isn't perfect, but that doesn't matter. If I couldn't find the word, I'd either lapse back into English or ask them how to say it. I believe just the willingness to try will take you far once you get there. So have a drink or two to lose your inhibitions and just speak it. Y lo siento para hablo solo un poco Espanol.

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Are you suggesting a couple drinks to take the edge off?

I like your style!

It's assume you were able to see Germany. It looks cool.

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Yes, I am! We actually used to joke about this in the student bar in college in Marburg. You lose your inhibitions just enough to stop "judging" yourself enough to talk, even if your grammar is wrong, etc. We can be our own worst enemies sometimes, when it comes to just trying.

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For the record, I completely agree with you.

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Hey Rocco - I can tell you already have a decent foundation so don't be too hard on yourself, it will come with time!

I wrote a piece about how I learned Spanish, I think you'll find some of these suggestions useful:


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I'm pretty sure I got the basic gist of the story (and maybe 50ish)% of the text. Assuming I interpreted it correctly, that's pretty awesome! The universe works in strange ways.

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One of the craziest things I've ever experienced!

My tutor and I had fun with it yesterday. I learned a lot as we corrected all of the errors!

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