Things Are About To Get Crazy: We're Moving To Spain In 4 Months
Calculating the costs to date
Technically, four and a half months. But, who, other than me, is obsessively counting?
Of course, crazy is just a word we (over)use. Let’s call it pleasantly intense as we head towards our January 2nd one-way departure for Barcelona, Spain, en route to Valencia, Spain as prepared as we can be.
Things are actually running rather smoothly as we make our preparations for the visa and attendant move.
It’s also surreal. Or, at least, right now, it’s alright, we’re doing this surreal. We’re looking forward to experiencing the feelings of surrealness and all that they entail once we actually arrive and settle in Spain.
So, today, an update on costs (including adding extras to our one-way flights), money coming in (we’re selling stuff!) and a few other things making life crazy, including a YouTube account we recently discovered that’s super inspiring—and surreal—to watch.
There are also some links in case you have missed recent posts.
For example—
After you read today’s installment, you might want to read these for color and additional details and background—
And, of course, with the move so close, now is the ideal time to upgrade to a paid subscription. Maybe a founding membership.
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