The Most Important Never Retire Element: A Low Cost Of Living
It has never been more important or difficult to accomplish
As I noted the other day—
The cost of living and housing crises are inextricably linked to the retirement crisis. We’re not turning the corner on any of this. Things are only getting worse in these and other critical areas of life and place in the United States.
So, while we’re lucky to not be struggling now, we see the writing on the wall.
In Spain, we’ll have an overall much lower cost of living. But it appears we’ll also be able to buy an apartment with a mortgage payment lower than what our rent will be and, who knows, maybe for close to or all cash. This could render whatever we pay for housing a non-factor. And, here again, we’re looking in the sub-300,000 euro range for an apartment in the city.
We’re not jet setters able to drop thousands a month to live.
No matter where we live, we will have a low cost of living.
It has become as much a lifestyle as it is a necessity. And the reality is if you’re lucky enough to decide to have a (relatively) low cost of living, you’re not merely lucky—you’re privileged.
Within this lucky group, there are at least two subsets—