The Cost Of Grocery Shopping For One Week In Los Angeles
I didn't limit myself (within reason), but maximized deals as much as I could
This will be a fun one.
An illustration of what it costs to buy groceries—the way you should be able to buy them!—over the course of a week in Los Angeles. With receipts.
The way you should be able to buy them. What do I mean by this?
While you’re not going to buy the $16 jar of nut butter, lobster, caviar or the highest of high end olive oil, you’re buying what you need and want. Usually in good quantity and quality. And, while you’re maximizing in-store deals and discount apps, where available, you’ll buy something not on sale because it’s what you really need or what.
Here’s how this past week looked for my wife and I in LA.
We’re gonna save a ton of money when we move to Spain.
Thursday, 4/25/2024 — Pavilions (owned by Vons/Albertsons)
Because I look for in-store deals and use the app, I saved 36%—or $26.84—on this shopping trip, which cost $48.11.
There’s a fair bit of junk food (though it could worse!) on this receipt. I’d say we eat 80-85% healthy and 15-20% not quite as healthy. This receipt—and this week—isn’t the best indication of that.
Nevertheless, junk food isn’t cheap.
Increasingly, things like a bag of chips cost $5 or $6 each. However, you’ll find tons of $2.49 each when you buy four or, in this case (en este caso), buy two get two free deals.
Such a terrible practice really. Because it’s tough to keep chips for very long in most households. The days of buying a bag and being done with it are done.
Because of the sticker shock.
It’s sort of illogical because if I bought one bag, I would have paid $5.79 or $5.99, less than the $11.58 I paid that triggered $12.98 in savings. But I “hid” two bags in hopes that Melisse won’t find them and I’ll “forget” where they are.
Friday, 4/26/2024 — Whole Foods
Ever since Amazon bought Whole Foods, it has become less expensive on some items. And, if you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can get deals via the Whole Foods app. You might not even need the app, but that’s where they scan to confirm Amazon Prime.
Anyhow, I saved 8%—or $2.58—on this shopping trip, which cost $30.36. You’re not going to find less expensive mangoes or avocados around here.
Friday, 4/26/2024 — Trader Joe’s
Trader Joe’s doesn’t do deals, but you’re not going to find a less expensive grocery store. This trip set me back $65.07.
Friday, 4/26/2024 — Back to Pavilions
I forgot to buy aluminum foil! Damn it.
Anyway, not my best showing at Pavilions savings-wise. But we ran out of Frank’s hot sauce. It’s not on sale. It has become outrageously expensive. And, if you’re from Western New York or familiar with the area, you know that, while other hot sauces are good, Frank’s is the one.
So I dropped $8.99 on the biggest bottle of Frank’s they had. I put that shit on everything!
I highly recommend Tillamook products. The extra sharp white cheddar is the best grocery store cheese this side of Italy, Spain and France.
For a while Tillamook was super aggressive. With deals, you could get a pack of cheese for like $2.00. They have pulled back, but, because it’s so good, we keep buying it.
With savings of 8%—or $1.52—add this $17.25 haul to the other three shopping trips for the week and we spent $160.79 in grocery stores this week.
And—we’re not done yet!
On Sunday, we’ll go to the local farmer’s market and buy a fair bit of fresh produce. We’ll budget and likely spend $30. It’ll get us enough, but not that much. The farmer’s market has become noticeably and meaningfully more expensive over the last year. It seems to have happened all of a sudden.
After the farmer’s market, we’ll close out the week at $190.79.
I could just multiply that by four and say we spend $763.16 a month. But we’re slightly below that. Usually closer to $700. This was a heavier week than usual. Next week, we likely won’t spend near as much.
We’re two people who don’t eat a ton—and eat out twice a week tops these days—and we’re dropping $700 a month. (Not to mention the $150 or so we pay every other month for a fish delivery).
We’ll cut this in half—and eat higher quality meat and produce—in Spain.
Feel free to add some color—like I did—alongside where you live and where you shop in the comments section.
And, just as I finished teeing this one up, I saw this one from the great 🇨🇦
.She made me rethink those junk food purchases!
We shop at the ALDI stores, along with Costco and our local Family Fare, working the specials where we can. The Twin Cities Star Tribune newspaper recently rated our top 12 grocery chains and ALDI was by far the best for the things they carry. ALDI comes from Germany and I remember shopping there way back in 1988/89 when I was in Marburg. There are three ALDI stores in Valencia, so you might want to check them out when you are there.
I took a trip to Southport, North Carolina for a job offer and scouting trip. The local markets and restaurant prices are on par with California. I took pictures for price comparisons and thought "I feel like Rocco!"
Lunches of 2 flounder or tile fish tacos (no fixins) $29. Dinner of shrimp (6) linguini with a side salad and 2 slices of bread $27.
The local grocery store was Lowe's, which prices were equal to Whole Foods/Safeway out here. The BBQ sauce was $7.99, loaf of bread was $6-$7, and things like coffee creamer were $5.99 or 2/$10. No farmer's market to be found. There was a Trader Joes about an hour away from where I was staying, but I did not go there.
And don't get me started on the housing prices that were also on par with California. Needless to say, I will not be moving there.