Taxes: They're Not Impossible (You Just Don't Want To Pay Or Do Them)
And that's okay. Just say so.
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Pay Today, Never Pay Again.
If you’re new to the newsletter—or old and just missed it—you might not know that one of the things that irritates me is people who complain about and—worse—try to find ways around paying taxes in their new country. As I detail in today’s post, there’s a tinge of—can we call it racism?—and a whole lot of helpless, lazy externalizing around taxes as they pertain to people who move abroad.
I had a variation of this conversation with my Spanish instructor (who is from Spain—Catalunya, specifically) the other day. And it helped inform and further my thought process.
Here’s what I mean and how it’s all relevant to the more pressing concern of getting stuff done in your life, especially as you’re getting older. Negativity and (learned) helplessness in one area absolutely can impact myriad other parts of your day-to-day and long-term existence.
After you read today’s post, check out these two others on taxes (and cost of living) with hard information and practical thoughts.