Today, we continue our series on dividend growth (income) investing as one potentially viable Never Retire strategy.
I’ll include this disclaimer ahead of every investing-related post:
Even if all you do is invest to fund your lifestyle, it’s work. And it’s not easy. It requires time (maybe considerable time), skill (maybe considerable skill), and mental energy (maybe considerable mental energy). This said, it can be done. Just don’t call it passive income.
In part one of the series, we illustrated the basics of dividend growth investing.
In today’s part two, we discuss one type of dividend stock—dividend aristocrats.
This will help develop—or reinforce—an understanding of how dividend growth investing works and why it can be a powerful Never Retire strategy.
Today’s installment also helps set up the two that will follow:
Part three on using ETFs (exchange-traded funds) to compose a dividend growth investing portfolio.
Part four on yield, something we touched on in part one.
Really, every installment deals with yield, as it’s the most important, trickiest, and potentially most dangerous aspect of dividend growth investing, even when you only buy and own relatively—and seemingly—safe dividend stocks, such as dividend aristocrats.
Now we define dividend aristocrats and discuss why they matter.