Never Retire: A 'Budget' Approach That Can Make Life Less Stressful
Planning (way) ahead with pots of money
We talk a lot about pots of money.
In personal finance, this isn’t a new concept. However, whether it’s old school money gurus or Gen Zers on social media, very few people discuss the finer, how they intimately impact real life points of a pots of money approach to personal finance.
Paid newsletter subscribers have access to all of our pots of money and related conversations as well as actual on-the-ground application, which involves planning ahead so that, when the time comes to pay for something, your checking account doesn’t feel a thing.
Today, I detail exactly how I use—and am using—pots of money to anticipate and then pay for some expenses prior to the move and during our first year in Spain.
Stress planning ahead so there’s no—or, at least, less—stress to cover the cost of doing life.