Ebb and flow, as evidenced by the results out of Great Britain!

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I'm with you on all of your reasons for wanting to move. And I hope I can lure my daughter to Europe as well. I think young women have much better lives in much of Europe if they want to start a family. It's brutal in the US for women who work and have families. But countries like France and Germany are making easier for them.

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I agree. Melisse and I would both love to see our daughters make the move. We'll see. Whether you decide to have kids or not, I feel like there's an overall better quality of life throughout much of Europe. Again, we'll see!

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I agree with you. But I really disagree when Americans assume the statement that Europe is far right because is really not.

Even the most right political movement in Europe is more like the left in the US. EU is not even close to the extreme right to the US and here is the link how EU right is nothing like US right. Don't worry we are still socialists here in EU.


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I think it depends. No doubt, the right in America is much further to the right than, generally speaking, in the EU. That said, have a look at, for example, Vox in Spain or, worse, white nationalist parties elsewhere and there's no splitting hairs. You're making a blanket statement that simply isn't true. Europe is great. I think I'm going to love it politically/socially, but there's no real need to compare it to the US on every metric. Like anything else, there's context and nuance and exceptions and extremes we can't lose sight of, but also can't always account for by way of trying to make a comparison.

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I studied VOX in Spain and last year they lost a lot of support like 600 000 votes. They still are a big minority in having seats in parliament. Still better than US right. They only have 12 seats in parliament. And if you looks at grow it is very slow. Look at the US Right, I think it is already becoming over 50%. After last debate 67% Trump had approval. The whole US map looks more red than blue. Also, Right in Spain doesn't promise blood bath and death to their opponents like Trump does. Very different. And we have no guns like US does. I am still happier with right wingers here in Spain than in the US. Nobody even talks about politics here, in the US everyone is in each others hair.

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It may change in the future, of course it can, but still I see a big difference. You will see for yourself when you move here. For example, Andalucia is still very "machista" but they have more respect for me than anywhere else. But who knows maybe because I am blond and have blue eyes? then we are in trouble...

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Wanting to leave for a better lifestyle, can be that simple of a reason.

I have been done with the sociopolitical environment here for a long time, as it has changed and divided our people. It is everywhere, in every nook and cranny. You cannot hide from it 100% of the time. Believe me, I have tried.

Going to another country, sure there will be that country's politics. And I can choose to have no horse in the race. Me and my horse will be in the pasture.

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Glad the article was interesting to you! On another note, politics are the last reason I'm choosing to move to another country. I hold no illusions that politics will be any better in any other part of the world. And they may be worse.

I want a change in lifestyle, one that fits my personality. And. I want the opportunity to eat differently and not be bombarded with junk food, chemicals, and the learn to enjoy opportunity with fewer choices. So much energy is wasted on trying to make decisions in figuring out what is best. It's out of hand here, in this country. An entire section, not an aisle is devoted to bread. Yet, when I tried to find sour dough with three ingredients it was next to impossible. Why? Because it's ALWAYS sold out. The bread is an example of how far out everything is, life on steroids... and that loaf of bread costs $7.99, another reason I want to move to another country.

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In NLP, neuro linguistic programming, we have elements here of moving away from vs moving towards.

Moving away from the US just because of the polarised politics is somewhere between courageous and guesswork.

In Rocco’s case the pull of Spain has him more moving towards it than just running from the US.

Many young folks have an advantage: they can travel and try places without committing to a move forever. Our daughter spent a year in Berlin; loves the place but feels better off here in Switzerland. Her other ½ moved here and likes it too. That even when one is still studying and the other getting started in work life.

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Great way to put it!

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