I too love this line: "I'd love to see the newsletter help more people get out of the rat race so they can live their version of "Spain" sooner than they thought possible."

This newsletter has helped me truly think about my life in this way. How do I enjoy more of my life right now instead of focusing on a "someday I might be lucky enough to retire" view. Because seriously - that would be way older than 65 for me. Too long. Instead I have embraced the idea that I am kinda semi-retired right now. And WOW that mindset shift is everything.

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I love this line: "And WOW that mindset shift is everything." It has been something I have focused on, but I think I need to do it more.

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A good reminder of how we got here!

I have worked as a one-man show consultancy for the last 15 years. For the most part, I was working full-time on one project for one client at a time. There the challenge is to keep prospecting and build a pipeline. I had a few mercifully short gaps along the way. Work found me for the most part. Not much rest when I was off as I spent my time networking and looking for work.

Now, I have several projects on the go. Not really at 100% of capacity. But, that is not a big problem as I head, aged 60 now, to semi-retired status. Same challenge of trying to fill the dance card. That said, work finds me.

So, I’d say that if you want to semi-retire you need some sense of whether and how work will find you.

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Your last line of: whether and how work will find you.. Is a huge part of deciding where you can live and if you can live semi-retired there. As someone that has not ever worked from home, my sense still places me in traditional roles. Now I'm looking to change careers completely to make it happen.

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