How The Scolding A Co-Worker Gave Me 25 Years Ago Led To Me Living The Semi-Retired Life Today
This kind of stuff blows my mind. And shows my age!
One of our subscribers—Joe—responded to our most recent newsletter post noting that he listened to me on the radio in Pittsburgh way back in 1996!
Bear with this dispatch of our exchange. It's going somewhere. Specifically, to a story or two about how I ended up where and who I am today. Plus, I briefly divert from what we usually discuss to tell the story of two great friends I had in Pittsburgh who are, tragically, no longer with us.
Now, let me introduce you to a few of the best and biggest characters I have ever had the opportunity to work with and privilege to know in my life.
Unless you’re from or lived in Pittsburgh, you’ve probably never heard of Doug Hoerth and Laurence Gaines. I worked with them—for a year (1996)—while an on-air host at WTAE Radio in Pittsburgh. I remained friends with Doug and Laurence until they passed away.
Laurence in 2009. And Doug in 2011.
While my days of being on the radio feel like—and sort of are—another life, I think of some of the people I worked with back then frequently. Because they had significant impacts on my life.